llegar zona telf

It is used in dwellings: houses, flats. (Hotels, Schools, Hospitals: wherever people live or work).

Amongst axis distance : 40 cms, which allow us to give total cracks absence guarantee.

Spans up to 7,50 mts.

Reinforcement protecting distances for aggressive environments.


Termo-hygrometrical ideal behaviour, which bring people

excellent habitability level.

High mechanical strength.

Long durability.


Rough top surface to stick better the compression slab concrete.

100 % clay underneath, which facilitates very much later plaster.

Facilities and comfort in the later hardwiring.

Also for roofings : level roofings, and sloping roofs, as well.

Resistance to the fire: 60 minutes without plastering, and 120 minutes with 12 millimeters of clad of gypsum paste.




ticTwo different clay blocks thickness : 22 and 26 cms , plus the appropriate compression slab.

seccion llum




Level main beams of reinforced concrete.

Edgewise main beams of reinforced concrete.

Load-bearing walls (main walls) .

Metal main beams

Walls (concrete walls, prefabricated or not).






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